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Friday 15 July 2011

Eastenders review Thursday 14/07/2011

                                            Eastenders review Thursday 14/07/2011

That is a bit cruel of Christian tricking Zainab to come over and then forcing her to stay. But Christian does have a point about Zainab picking and choosing stuff about her faith. I think Christian has a good point, why stop a child having a loving home. To be honest I think that Christian and Syed will make grate parents, and I realy think that this story line about a gay couple trying to adopt a baby is a realy good story line.

                                          A very heated talk with Zainab and Christian

I feel a bit sorry for Lola because every one is ignoring her. You can tell that Lola is a Mitchell. Lola is very sneaky steeling Abi’s phone and then had the guts to try and sell it to her. It is nice to see that Billy is proud of Lola. I think its grate that Lola and Billy are starting to get a bound, but it seams that Julie doesn’t want anything to do with her. I think it’s cruel what Julie said the best thing we can do is send her back to the home. I think that Lola is a realy fun character defiantly when she steels that car.

                                                        Lolas got attitude

At least Masood is talking to Syed now, but Masood should lighten up a bit. I am pleased that Syed is standing up to Masood but Syed and Masood did have a touching moment when Masood said to Syed that Masood thinks that Syed is brave. It is nice for Syed talking to Masood and telling Masood his real feelings about the adoption.
                                         Masood and Syed talking

Characters In tonight’s episode Thursday 14/07/2011 in order of appearanceJay Mitchell
Lola Mitchell
Ricky butcher
Tamwar Masood
Afia Masood
Christian Clarke
Syed Masood
Arthur “Fatboy” Chubb
Tanya Jessop
Ian Beale
Billy Mitchell
Julie Perkins
Darren Miller
Abi Branning

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