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Thursday 14 July 2011

Eastenders review Tuesday 12/07/2011

Eastenders review Tuesday 12/07/2011

Roxy is leading Christian astray, But she did need her best friend at the time, So I don’t realy blame her, I tell you what I think what will be a good story line, If Christian turns straight and Christian and Roxy get together. That would just make Roy the happiest girl in the world.
Right it looks like that Christian is going to get in trouble with Syed again. Have you noticed that Syed and Christian are nearly always having a argument? It seems that they don’t realy get on.

                                            Christian and Syed argueing

Mercy should be brave and tell him, I can’t believe that mercy doesn’t love fat boy I know she has feelings for him. Fat boy should listen to mercy there he goes again not listening to mercy, it seems like he is in his own little dream world.

                                          Fatboy and mercy makes a lovely couple

I think Billy is doing the best by himself and not taking Julie’s feeling into consideration god Billy’s getting it wrong again. Billy’s going behind Julie’s back again but Billy is only trying to see his only grand child. I think Lola is going to be trouble on the square, she is very feisty.

                                         Billy is trying to stop the feisty Lola

I think its sad how Mercy is leaving Fatboy broken they would of made such a grate couple. Mercy should of stayed, I think its very selfish of Mercy of leaving him like that. But Fatboy is a sweet lad and they had a lovely good bye it made me have a tear in my eye.

                                          Grace is trying her best to get Mercy to stay

Characters In tonight’s episode Tuesday 12/07/2011 in order of appearanceDot Banning Julie Perkins
Billy Mitchell
Syed Masood
Jean Slater
Zainab Masood
Kamil Masood
Roxy Mitchell
Christian Clarke
Grace Olubunmi
Mercy Chubb
Arthur “Fatboy” Chubb
Alfie Moon
Tyler Moon
Eddie Moon
Kat Moon
Amy Mitchell
Lola Mitchell
Darren Miller

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